Membership Application Form completed in all respects, duly signed and stamped.
Brief company profile on the company letterhead/printed corporate brochure.
An attested copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association (including the copy of certificate of Incorporation) or By Laws.
An attested copy of Balance Sheet of the last two financial year.
Start-up companies not having Balance Sheet may attach a copy of their Project Business Report / Business Plan.
Certificate of Turnover: Certificate signed by the Company Auditor or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of applicant or equivalent, stating their gross turnover in the last financial year (Start-ups may give projecti for the current financial year).
Profile and details of Directors / CEO / Promoters, in terms of educational and professional background. In c of 100%owned subsidiaries, a profile of the parent company needs to be attached.
In case the company has applied for listing at STPI/ SEZ, a copy of the STPI/ SEZ approval needs to be attached.
Letter of reference from two existing IACC member companies.